Skyspace in Lech
It is opened. A work of art in the Alps. A light room in which the meeting from heaven to earth is experienced anew.
The project started in October 2014, now it shines full splendor at 1,780 meters - the Skyspace.
The artwork can only be reached on foot or with skis in the winter. A 15-20 minutes long walk will take you from the last bus stop in Oberelch to the front door. From the top station of the Schloßkopfbahn you can reach the Skyspace all year round via a hiking trail. A mental preparation for a unique masterpiece. For locals and guests.
The association "Horizon Field" was originally founded for a different artistic purpose - the idea for an alpine gem in the mountains of Lech arose during the common work. In collaboration with the American artist James Turrell *, the concept of Skyspace was developed.
Turrell chose "Tannegg" as its location - a place above the roofs of Oberelch - full of magnetism and magic.
His plans to show a largely underground structure, which blends harmoniously into the alpine mountains. The main room is circumferentially equipped with a bench and opens to the view of the sky. The dome can also remain closed, allowing the use of the building as a "whole field space". At dusk, walls and ceilings in the Skyspace Lech are bathed in a changing color. The sky is felt through the opening as part of the room. The location enchants with a fascinating visual axis between the striking peaks of the surrounding mountains.
"We are not aware that we give our own color to the sky. We think that everything is predetermined, but we are actively involved in creating the reality in which we live. "
- James Turrell about life, the sky and ourselves
The Skyspace can be visited all year round and is open from 09:00 to 18:00 (in the winter season until 16:00). The experience of the light program lasts about 40 minutes. Exclusive tours are offered and can be booked at You will also receive information about current programs there.
* James Turrell is one of the most significant artists of the present. His atmospheric installations revolve around the sensual and spiritual perception of light. The artist’s light rooms are soft compositions that enable visual and emotional experiences for the visitors, and the Skyspace-Lech embodies this idea. The combination of building and landscape, culture and nature- the manmade and the natural- form the starting point for intensive personal experiences and observations. - As described on the website so beautifully .....
Turrell was born in America and now lives and works in Arizona. He has been designing light spaces since the 1960s. How nice that his wonderful work now shines in the Alps.
I was allowed to be present at the opening - and I am enthusiastic, enchanted, immersed in the light. I have been able to experience the encounter of heaven and earth in a very special way. And I can only recommend it to you.
Daniela Pfefferkorn
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Allgemeine Informationen:
Das Skyspace in Lech ist ganzjährig, täglich außer montags geöffnet. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Skyspace aufgrund widriger Wetterbedingungen oder Führungen geschlossen sein kann. Die jahresabhängigen Öffnungszeiten finden Sie auf der oben genannten Website.
Das Erlebnis des Lichtprogramms dauert ca. 45 Minuten und orientiert sich am jeweiligen Sonnenaufgangs- und Sonnenunterganszeitpunkt.
Die zwei von James Terrell konzipierten Lichtinstallationen können nur im Rahmen einer Führung mit fachkundigem Personal gezeigt werden.
Öffentliche Führungen - auch für Gruppen - können unter gebucht werden.
Bitte achten Sie auf passende, warme Bekleidung - der Skyspace befindet sich auf 1.800 Metern Höhe, außerdem ist eine Taschenlampe von Vorteil. Ein barrierefreier Zugang ist leider nicht möglich, vor Ort befinden sich keine Toiletten.