Horse-drawn sleigh rides in Lech

A romantic ride through snow covered scenery

What would a winter holiday be without a horse-drawn sleigh ride? Wrapped up in thick blankets, guests head out through the romantic, glistening winter landscape.

Once booked, you are picked up at the lift station in Lech, and the sleigh ride takes you to Zug, or into the Älpele. Stopping off somewhere cosy for refreshment is an absolute must, where local delicacies and a hot drink warm your hands and heart.

Romance in the winter holiday warmly packed in a sleigh

It feels great, and you feel great. The wildlife radiates an unbelievable peacefulness and your loved one is especially close.

Splendid, romantic horse drawn sleigh rides in Lech!

Followed perhaps by a glass of fine wine from our famous wine cellar.

Winter holiday on Arlberg with feel-good factor

Happy and satisfied, relax as the grand finale of a wonderful day in our outdoor whirlpool with a unique view.

At over 1700 meters above sea level. One step closer to heaven.

Book your Feel-good Holiday in the mountains