Create the energy of the sun - Vitamin D

sweets | 02/12/2018

Supervitamin D? Certainly! Today our blog is dedicated to the sun vitamin D and its powers.

Strictly speaking, vitamin D isn't a vitamin at all in actual fact, because, in contrast to other vitamins, it can be manufactured by the body itself. In the presence of sunlight, the body's skin cells produce vitamin D. But we don’t only obtain this important vitamin from the sun, but we can also obtain it from our food.

Production in the skin
80 - 90% of the amount of vitamin D we require is made by the body itself. The effect of UVB radiation produces so-called pre-vitamin D3, an early stage of vitamin D. The circulatory system takes this into the liver and kidneys there it is finally transformed into vitamin D (Calcitriol).

In order to produce the amount of vitamin D required by the body, it is recommended to expose about a quarter of the body’s surface area (face, neck, neckline, and parts of the legs and arms) to the sun for about 15 minutes each day. The best time for this would be between 10:00 and 14:00, though it is important to use appropriate sun protection to avoid sunburn and reduce the risk of skin cancer. You should note that sun protection of factor over 20 blocks up to 95% of UV radiation and in doing so prevents the production of vitamin D.

Uptake through diet
The remaining 10-20% of the vitamin is acquired from the food we eat. Mother nature provides us with only a few foodstuffs with a high vitamin D content. The highest concentration is in fish such as eel, salmon, and herring. But vitamin D is also present in butter, eggs, and liver. Non-animal sources are mainly edible fungi such as mushrooms which contain an appreciable amount of vitamin D.

The hormone is not immediately used by the body, instead it is usually stored for several months, especially in muscle and fat tissues. In this way, your body can also satisfy its vitamin D needs until it can refill its reserves with the spring sunshine.

What functions does the natural miracle weapon serve?

  • Cell regulation and the strengthening of bones through the integration of calcium
  • Prevents the growth of ill cells
  • Strengthens the immune system (differentiation and maturation of defence cells)
  • Hormone system: release of insulin and thyroid hormones
  • Intestine: the uptake and use of calcium is dependent on vitamin D.
  • Influences the new creation of nerve cells

It has also been known for some time that many heart and circulation illnesses are associated with a deficiency in vitamin D.

Miracle weapon Vitamin D? Certainly!

Enjoy the wonderful fresh air and fill up on a good portion of vitamin D, your body and soul will thank you for it!