Alpine bathing - fresh air, snowy mountains... With our guided meditation also for home!

peace | 01/21/2021

Feeling the connection to pure being, going through the day grounded, arriving at oneself. Nature helps us to "come down" - it is an anchor and drive at the same time. We treat ourselves with a "calmdown" and use this quality of time as best we can for ourselves. Me-time - self-love - deceleration - coming down - self-leadership - there are so many expressions for the tools people use to find happiness.
The essence of these ways or these goals is for us:


in the body, in the mind and in the soul. No matter which approaches or expressions feel right for someone at the current time - the goal is often the same. Today we dedicate ourselves to "Alpenbaden" - an activity for all the senses that makes our eyes sparkle and us dance with deep joy. Alpine bathing unites our roots, our passion and our homeland. We love to share this feeling of connection to the earth and to ourselves with people from all over the world. For this reason we have created the project "Yoga & Alpenbaden". Immerse yourself in the magical world around Hotel Goldener Berg!

Yoga & alpine bathing

Bookable until April 25, 2021

The combination of yoga and the incredibly inspiring mountain landscape provide peace, tranquility, relaxation and happiness. In our hotel you are in the best hands - Yogini, health therapists, experts in the areas of healthy nutrition and well-being and the warm nature of the host family together with the special "Alpine bathing with meditation" - offers ensure unforgettable vacations.

Your inclusive services:

  • Your desired room for 4 nights
  • One treatment of your choice in the Alpin Spa (50 min)
  • Daily yoga sessions
  • 2x alpine bathing with meditation
  • Golden moment by the campfire
  • golden ME book
  • varied programme, such as guided snowshoe hikes, wine tastings, culinary highlights, and much more
  • Opulent breakfast over the roofs of Lech from our extensive breakfast buffet, with organic teas, juice bar, antipasti, egg dishes, freshly made muesli - all with ingredients from local farmers
  • Your Dine-Around Half Board - choose between four different restaurants in the hotel; we also offer our Open Kitchen once a week when you can stroll through the kitchen and look over the shoulders of our cooks. (When booking with Dine-Around Half Board)
  • Lift ticket for your arrival and departure with the Lech-Oberlech mountain railway
  • Free use of our Alpine Spa with active and reactivation area, swimming pool and panoramic outdoor whirlpool, bio sauna, Finnish and Turkish sauna, Kneipp basin, fitness room, relaxation room, activation showers and tepidarium
  • All golden inclusive services

Alpine bathing at home - a guided meditation

Let the following meditation be read to you or speak on a tape in advance.
Enjoy the words in the rhythm that is right for you and dive deeply into the magical world of the mountains.
Preparation: Sit or live comfortably and take all preparations, that you will not be disturbed during the coming minutes.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out. Feel the breath flowing through your nose, down your throat, deep into your chest -
and the corner of your chest slowly rises and slowly lowers as you exhale.

Breathe deeply into the stomach area three times at your own rhythm - and out again.

Now imagine yourself standing in a clearing in the forest. It is winter - the earth is covered with a thick blanket of snow, and the leaves of the trees bear the heavy weight of the snow. You are comfortably warm - and observe the surroundings.

Are there birds, deer or other animals in the area? Is the sun shining or is the sky covered with thick clouds?
What do you hear? Is there a soft wind blowing? Are birds singing a beautiful song?

You look around you and see that the clearing and the forest are framed by beautiful mountains. The steep peaks are covered in snow and radiate a feeling of safety and security. As if magically drawn in, you want to go high - to travel to the highest peak.

You discover a small path leading away from the clearing to a mountain that seems to be calling you. You take one step at a time. At your own personal pace. You look around, observe the animals in the forest, keep walking. Always in view: Your goal - the majestic mountain peak in front of you.

With each step you become lighter and lighter. Everything that you no longer need or that no longer belongs to you detaches itself.
You become brighter, clearer and more radiant.

Once you reach the top, an incredible view of the landscape reveals itself. Deeply covered in snow, glittering, magical. The snow crunches under your feet, you stretch your hands in the air and breathe in this free, fresh, crystal clear mountain air with every cell in your body. You feel your feet on the ground and the connection to the endless universe - powerful, strong & full of happiness.

Stay at the summit as long as you like and enjoy pure being.

When you feel like you want to go back, you will see a beautiful eagle circling right in front of you. He takes you with him - on his wings you float safely and protected into the valley - back to your clearing.

Full of gratitude, joy and peace in your heart, you say goodbye to the forest, to the animals, to the majestic eagle and to the powerful mountain. You know that you can always return to this magical place - whenever you long for the mountains, your personal mountain of strength will be waiting for you!

Feel yourself coming back to the here and now with your attention. Move your body gently and open your eyes.


Such a trip to the Alps does quite well :-)