People and encounters at Goldener Berg - advisors, companions & mentors

peace | 05/31/2021

We all know how inspiring and enriching encounters with different people can be in our lives. Some put us to the test, others challenge our patience and still others accompany us part of the way in a direction that makes us even happier. The Golden Mountain has always been a place of encounters. We are very happy that very special people will gather in the summer of 2021 to advise, accompany and support others. We too are deeply touched by the energy and warmth of heart that our self-care companions, the yogis and yoginis, the mentors, the companions and the therapists bring with them. Today we introduce you to the people who will be very happy to accompany you on your Golden Mountain holiday if you wish.

My Mountain Selfcare Companion & Yogini Sina Hilberer

The likeable Sina is a physiotherapist, yoga teacher, vegan nutritionist and in training to become a non-medical practitioner. In addition to physiotherapeutic treatments, her services include deeply relaxing massages such as Lomi Lomi and Hot Stone and many other treatments. More information about Sina Hilberer.

Mentoring & Life Coaching

Stefan Büttner is a mental coach, change expert, systemic business coach and trainer. He focuses on awareness and mindfulness and supports the development of mental strength. More information about Stefan Büttner.

Sara Erb is a mentor for self-confidence, courage and femininity. She sees it as her calling to help people gain more self-confidence. More information about Sara Erb.

Frank Seifert is a systemic Master of Coaching and psychological life coach. In his understanding, coaching is open to practical aspects of development and change. More information about Frank Seifert.

Katja Oestreicher is an experiential and environmental educator, nature coach, therapeutic touch practitioner, spiritual life counsellor and meditation leader. She focuses on nature mentoring for a life with all senses. More information about Katja Oestreicher.

Christine Raab is a medically certified fasting instructor, certified nutrition trainer, certified spine trainer, certified relaxation trainer and certified senior trainer. She offers basic fasting for seniors and "basic fasting with dogs". More information about Christine Raab.

Anna Pia and Philipp Nedelmann specialise in energy, focus and lightness. He accompanies people as a healer to more mental and physical strength and she is a yoga teacher with passion. More information about Anna Pia and Philipp Nedelmann.

The therapist team

Tamara Mitterlehner is a mental coach, Chanel spirit healer, allergy coach, yogi and medium. She sees contentment and health as the highest happiness and good. More information about Tamara Mitterlehner.

Edeltraud Steinl is an alternative practitioner, EMB consultant specialising in naturopathy, neural therapy and biological cancer therapy. Her gifts include clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairvoyance. More information about Edeltraud Steinl.

Sandra Di Maggio is a therapist for Lomi Lomi, Facial Harmony, Lava Shell and Ayurvedic massage as well as foot reflexology. She is a trained masseuse and energetic therapist and loves the Indian and Hawaiian cultures. More information about Sandra Di Maggio.

Carmen Aberger is specialised in Lomi Lomi Nui, colour consulting, individual training, quantum healing and sound massage. She is a human energetic practitioner and lives in Austria and on the island of Patmos. More information about Carmen Aberger.

Bergit Sutter is a natural healing therapist and focuses on life energy for body, mind and soul. Her services also include Jin Shin Jyutsu, Thai foot reflexology treatments and many more. More information about Bergit Sutter.

Natalia Mechlinska is a fitness trainer and studies nutritional sciences and psychology. She works as a therapist and yogini at Goldener Berg. More information about Natalia Mechlinska.

Listen to your feelings and let yourself be inspired by our guides, advisors, trainers and therapists. Treat yourself to some time out in the mountains - you deserve it!

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